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  • A.C. Bauer

Writer's Update #4: Thankful

Less than a year ago, I received my first ever story acceptance.

It was for a little dark Christmas drabble called “Ghosts of Christmas Presents Past” and released through the Wicked Library. By its very nature as a drabble, it was a short piece (exactly 100 words) but it was a start.

Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to share even more of my stories with you all.

Earlier this year, I had stories published about golems, sentient fungi, and monsters that lurk under the bed.

More recently, my story “Nothing but Ashes” was released in audio format by Tales to Terrify. Narrated by Brian Rollins, the story follows a vampiric mother and son as they face the end of the world as they know it.

Another one of my stories, “The Curse of Elizabeth Mortar,” was adapted by Creepy Podcast in October as a Patreon exclusive. I think it has a nice campfire ghost story vibe.

I also have some stories coming out in print and ePub that you can get just in time for the holidays. I have 10 dark winter holiday drabbles coming out in Ho Ho Ho from Black Hare Press. Also from Black Hare Press is an anthology called Eerie Christmas 3, which includes my flash fiction story “Like a Bowl Full of Jelly.”

I’ve written plenty of other stories this year which I hope one day to share with you all, but for now, I’ll content myself with what I’ve accomplished so far. The road to getting stories published hasn’t been easy, but anything worth doing rarely is.

Looking back on the past 12 or so months, I’m incredibly grateful for all the publishers and podcasts that have given me a chance to share my stories with the world. I appreciate the readers and listeners who have given my stories a shot and hope they liked them. And lastly, I’m incredibly thankful for the horror community as a whole. There are a lot of supportive folks out there, and every little bit of encouragement means a lot to me.   

What I'm Reading:

Right now, I’m reading Dark Carnivals: Modern Horror and the Origins of American Empire by W. Scott Poole. I’m only about 130 pages in, but I’m liking it so far. It’s an interesting look at American history and the horror genre that grew up along with it. It really drives home the idea that America is a scary place, and its history is littered with corpses.

I’m also eager to start Never Whistle at Night: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology edited by Shane Hawk and Theodore C. Van Alst Jr.

What I’m Watching:

I watched quite a few horror movies (including Child’s Play, which I loved), but there’s too many to discuss here. In lieu of a long list of titles, I’ll just shamelessly plug my Letterboxd, which you should follow to keep up with all the madness. Aside from various horror movies, I’ve been watching the original series of The Twilight Zone as well.

Think that’s all for now, so catch you folks later! And if you haven’t already, hit that subscribe button down below to receive special updates from me directly into your inbox! You’re definitely not going to want to miss the next one ;)

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